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About NaClO

What does NaClO mean?

NaClO is a name that only two pool geeks would choose to use as a brand. NaClO is an anagram for NaOCl which is the shorthand name for sodium hypochlorite, more commonly known as Liquid Chlorine.

How We Got Here

NaClO was born from the curiosity of two young geeks who care way too much about swimming pools and how they work. This led to a desire to demystify pools and let everyone in on the “Secrets” of the industry. We aim to help people love their pool through simple, clear instructions that will give owners back the time they had previously lost. No overpriced equipment or fancy named chemicals necessary! With our advice, and assistance you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and finally enjoy the extra large water feature in your backyard!


The Pool Chemistry Guru

Wayne has been in the pool industry for three years as both a retail staff and a service technician. He is currently studying his last year of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Auckland. As our resident chemistry expert he uses this extensive knowledge base in water chemistry to better understand how swimming pool water should be balanced and why that is the case. Using this he has been able to create easy to follow plans for countless customers who with his help have regained their control . He also uses his extensive knowledge in fluid dynamics to ensure the pool equipment we install is the perfect match for your system. He has plenty of experience with helping customers over the years as well as servicing pools. He believes no one should spend their free time maintaining their pool instead of enjoying it. As the manager of operations, Wayne is dedicated to making jobs go smoothly including swift and clear communications. He is very passionate and at times can ramble for hours on why too much cyanuric acid (stabiliser) is bad for your pool. He is incredibly polite and well-mannered but at times his potty mouth can run off on a pool site, he is doing his best to fix this.


Pool Part Specialist

Haydon has been in the industry for nearly 9 years with a wide range of experience across the board. Haydon specialises in customer service with a focus on decoding the complex chemistry provided by Wayne to create more digestible information for our customers. He believes pools are meant to be enjoyed not dreaded and works hard to ensure everyone can have a positive experience with their pools. He is our resident pool and spa parts expert. With nearly a decade of looking at all kinds of different pool equipment and spare parts he will almost always be able to identify, and explain what you are looking at right away. When he can’t, he is not afraid to admit it but have no fear because he’ll take the time to solve it for you so you can rest easy. As the managing director Haydon’s focus is on ensuring our customers leave happy, and without a sour taste in their mouths. He believes communication is key, even when he makes a mistake, to ensure you as the customer are always informed about what is going on with your pool. Like his counterpart Haydon’s passion for pools can lead to rants about minute pool details, so please don’t get him started!

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